Wednesday, May 9, 2012


A couple of weeks ago, I was enjoying dinner & drinks (oh, who am I kidding, more like "drink;" mama can't hang anymore) with an old girlfriend.  We were reminiscing about the good ole days, funny stories and how all those little happenings along the way shaped our lives today.  We might not have known it at the time, but there were so many moments that ended up changing the course of our lives.  Many times we don't realize how much impact one decision or one instance can have on your life, until you are looking back, retrospectively.  There are so many life-changing moments that shape each of us for the rest of our lives: Heartbreaks, studying abroad, choosing a university, more heartbreaks, getting married, not getting married, having children, not being able to have children, having a miscarriage, getting into a car accident, cancer, starting a new job, moving, and the list goes on.  So many changes in my life have turned out to be wonderful, like getting married at the ripe old age of 20, and later, becoming a mom.  Several changes haven't been great, and most of the time, change is scary.

I decided to change things up, once again, and recently resigned as director of Big Brothers Big Sisters.  This was not an easy decision, as I truly believe in the mission and goals of this organization.  We are in the business of making friendships, and I think you would be surprised to realize just how much of a positive impact a mentor can make in a child's life.  The experience at BBBS has been life-changing, and from a professional standpoint, I feel I have grown leaps and bounds and gained so much experience during my time with this agency.  I was so committed to working full-time, juggling new mommy-hood, still having a relationship with my hubs and maybe at the end of the day, having 20 minutes to enjoy a glass of wine and a few pages of a good book.  But the minute they laid that 9lb blue-eyed boy on my chest, I had no idea just how much he would change my day-to-day routine, my priorities and my perspective on the lifestyle I wanted to lead. 

I think this decision seemed extra scary, because unlike other situations in our lives, this very clearly creates a "fork in the road," and I made the decision fully aware that I was yet again changing my course.  I am looking forward to starting a new chapter, as I devote more time to my boys and myself, while working for Flint Hills Technical College.

One of my favorite quotes, "The only thing constant is change," is the perfect reminder to roll with the punches, be open to opportunity and realize that new and unexpected changes are part of life.  While I am sad to close one door, I fully welcome the new experience that awaits behind another door.

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