Sunday, May 6, 2012

I ran into our nurse from the Birth and Women's Center, who was on staff during our birth and delivery.  We were both enjoying an unusually hot afternoon walk with our families (coincidentally, she happens to be our neighbors' daughter, and was home for a visit).  Seeing her made me think back to the day Owen was born, which seems like a lifetime ago.  I am still so thankful for the wonderful experience we received at the Birth Center.  The day was so relaxed and laid back, and I like to think that the way we welcomed our little guy into the world kind of set the pace for our lifestyle, and the days, months and years ahead.  We have been blessed with a laid back, cheerful little dude who always seems to have a smile on his face.  Our days are usually pretty relaxed, and we try not to get too worked up over the little things. 

Of course, I am writing this after a particularly bad-mom type of day, so I think I am trying to remind myself of how great life is any other given day.  Usually, these bad days are rarities, and are determined by how much mama gets to sleep the night before.  Thanks to the side-effects of teething, the bambino has been letting everyone know just how uncomfortable he is, right around 2 or 3am in the morning.  Getting through those nights can be rough, but that's the name of the game.  No one said this parenting stuff would be a cake walk, and--luckily--no one can claim they are the perfect parent.  Yet, in spite of a rough day here and there, I strive to keep that peaceful and joyful vibe that we worked for during pregnancy and that we wanted for the arrival of our son.  Each day holds new challenges, new joys, and new reasons to laugh, smile and cry.  Becoming a mother has taught me so many life lessons, and has reminded me to live in the present, with intention, a grateful heart and open mind.  I am thankful we are content just doing our own thang, not pressured to live up to any one's expectations or guidelines.  We are creating our own life, one day at a time, taking the bad with the good, and looking forward to every adventure along the way.

Not even 12 hours old...already back at home, brand new and oh-so perfect.

                                                 Fast forward--8 months later.  What a ham!
                                                        Life is good...Almost nine months!

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