Wednesday, July 11, 2012


**I started this post below about a month ago--whoa, baby time flies...Owen just turned 11 months earlier this week.  Yikes!
We had a great weekend.  A don't-want-it-to-end, sunshine and blue skies, fun and memories type of weekend.  The sky was full of those white, fluffy Simpson cartoon clouds and the open road was all mine.  I love that back-road drive to Burlington.  Something about the rolling prairie, farm ponds and fields of corn and wheat triggers a deep contented sigh and a true love for Kansas summer.  Not to mention, driving in the direction of home always brings a feeling of comfort.  O-Dawg and I trekked to Grandma and Grandpa's to celebrate Father's Day with my Daddio, complete with picnic at the park and playground fun.  I love watching Owen's face light up as he discovers new experiences and surroundings.  He revives my inner child, and I get just as excited as he does, seeing the world from a brand-new perspective.  We also had a gourmet shrimp feast at the lake with Nana and Papa.  A hodge podge of side dishes, paper plates and outdoor dining at its finest!  A little girl time, rest and relaxation, and celebrating B's first Father's Day, complete with a handmade card and a lotta love put the finishing touches on a wonderful weekend. 

Little man is 10 months old!  He has started to jabber and talk a lot more lately, although we are still waiting for consistent ma-mas and da-das to start rolling out of his mouth.  I know every child has their "timeline," and Owen has exceeded most developmental milestones, but I am anxious about him getting to this speech milestone.  As a mama, all these thoughts start going through my mind--is it because he's not in daycare?  Is daily interaction with other kids a crucial component in his cognitive development?  Has he hit is head one to many times since he has learned to crawl and pull up on anything and everything?!  Does my child have some type of brain injury as a result of his clumsiness? Am I so good at reading his non-verbal cues that he feels no need to speak or get my attention?  I mean, most of this is silly, but it does cross my mind.  I have found that becoming a mother has set off an instant panic button in my brain, but I need to remember to relax and enjoy.  This little tyke isn't so little's all about opening drawers, crawling up the stairs, crawling like crazy and on the go, go, GO! Ayy, I'm pooped!  This motherhood gig is definitely a labor of love.  It's worth every minute, but juggling it all?  It ain't easy!

I think it comes down to celebrating the little moments. (So the moral of the story, kids...).  But honestly, there's a lot of good stuff that happens each day.  Maybe the good stuff serves as a reminder;  to live with gratitude, seek joy in the ordinary and to sustain us through the not so good stuff.  Happy (late) Father's Day to all the kick-ass daddios out there...that's a little moment worth celebrating, for sure! 

Playground and Pool Fun!

1 comment:

  1. I know that back road to Bton well. It's amazing how the road you can drive with your eyes closed can also bring so much comfort in its surroundings.
