Monday, January 23, 2012

A-HA! A Tooth!

Good-bye little gummy grin...Owen's first tooth has emerged!  This totally explains Mr. Grumplestiltskin's attitude lately; we have been struggling to get through the night and he just seemed uncomfortable.  I had it narrowed down to teething or a mild food allergy, but found the true culprit a few days ago when he was gnawing on my finger.  To be honest, I was relieved it was a tooth--a lot of info says nursing babies can have allergic reactions to certain food mom eats...especially dairy.  I was coming to grips with the fact I might have to say farewell to some of my favorite foods, but life just wouldn't be the same without string cheese and ice cream.  Whew...dodged a bullet on that one! 

After sharing the news with Daddi-O, we both looked at eachother and said, "He's turning into a little BOY!" 

This little boy also had another milestone last week, starting solids.  Sure, we could have waited until the six-month mark to get started, but he has been showing a definite interest in big kid food lately.  We tried out sweet potatoes first, and a few days later introduced pears.  Yumm!  Could not get enough of those!  We will also try out rice cereal in a few days and continue to add new veggies and fruits to the menu.  I've been using "The Baby Book" by Dr. Sears (thanks, Kacy!), which has some great advice about introducing solids.  We are also making our own baby food, which is unbelievably easy and inexpensive.  We are using the fancy schmancy Baby Bullet from Nana, but I am sure any ole' blender would do!

It's not so easy to get a picture of those chompers, but here's a few of our little pop tart...

Check out Owen chowing down here...

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