Friday, February 10, 2012


You are six months old, and I love you more and more every day.  I love the way your cheeks scrunch up when I tickle your chin.  I love how you get the biggest smile when I walk in the room.  I love the last long whisps of newborn hair that adorn the top of your little egghead.  I love our morning cuddles, even if it is 4am.  I wouldn't trade that special time for anything in the world. 

I love your little baby feet.  There will come a day when your stinky big boy feet will be the last thing I want to kiss and carress, so I am enjoying these new feets while they last.  I love your fake cough, high pitched squeal and sweet baby giggle.  Music to my ears...minus the squeal.   I love your "panting puppy" sound, when you get excited over something.  I love the teeny-tiny red birthmark on the bottom of your foot and I love that ticklish spot in the crease of your legs.  I love singing our "nakie-baby" song and splashing around with you in the bathtub. 

I love how you have given me a new perspective on life.  My priorities have changed, for the better, and I thank you for that. I love being your mommy and I love you with all my heart.

Happy six months, Owen Tyler!  You are my angel baby, my pride and joy, and my life just wouldn't be the same without you!

                                               Lovin' on my 6 Month-er!  He's getting SO big!

                            We got the giggles the other night...not the best quality, but the sound is what counts!

1 comment:

  1. Stopping by to say hi and tell you I love your blog! You beautiful baby boy is getting so big! :)
