Saturday, September 10, 2011

One month

One month into this new adventure...what a crazy month it has been  Those first days at the Hopkins Casa were a bit chaotic, trying to adjust to sleeping in two hour increments and feeding round the clock.  Lil guy is almost 12lbs! and it is obvious he has not skipped a meal since day one! 
I felt so prepared during pregnancy, reading way too much, Googling way too much, and researching way too much about life with a new baby.  All the advice leading up to the actual arrival of the baby might as well have gone in one ear and out the other.  If only that little pink bundle of love would have come with a detailed instruction manual!  Still, that has been one of the joys of being a new mama, figuring out this lil man and relying on those "maternal instincts," even when I wondered what the heck I was doing.  I think Owen is pretty forgiving of my shortcomings, as we navigate this new world together.  He is also going easy on me, being a relaxed and mellow babe...most of the time :)

One month and Owen is finding his voice.  Love hearing our home filled with little squeals, grunts and all sorts of fun baby sounds.  At 11.13 lbs and 23 inches, he is off the charts, and on his way to being long & lean, just like daddy.  I think eating is his favorite part of the day, although bath time is a close second.  Weekends are family shower days :)  We are enjoying walks in the stroller, fishing trips to Grandma Irene's lake, and the occasional quick meal at a restaurant.  "Quick" is the key word!  Lots of changes, but we think this new life suits us just fine.
One month has broken down walls and opened my heart in a way I didn't think was possible.  I look at Owen with awe, wonder and pure love, wondering how I deserve such a blessing.  Motherhood is such an amazing gift.  I am so lucky to be his mama and I know Brandon is one proud papa.  So thankful for Brandon, and the amazing partner he is.  Life is good.

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