Monday, March 19, 2012

Out with the old....

Spring.  Glorious, beautiful, brand new spring.  I look forward to these first few weeks every year; the jonquils and redbuds bringing the dull gray landscape to life, the seedlings for our garden sprouting to life under our watchful care.  What an awesome time to revitalize and renew!  So as the saying goes...out with the old, in with the new! 

Since baby, I have been feeling pretty old, worn out and I sure don't see much to look at when I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror.  The other day I took our husky, Meeka, for a walk--just the two of us.  We haven't been sans stroller for months, and I felt strangely independent.  I love being a mommy and love that little butterball more than life itself, but it is nice to reclaim a few pieces of the old me.  I have become so used to being a "we," that I forgot about so many of the things I loved and enjoyed before motherhood.  So, I am fully embracing Spring as a time for renewal.  I am bringing my focus and attention to three words:  Simplify, Cleanse, Enjoy. 

Simplify starts with the most obvious: my casa.  A little spring cleaning is a great way to start, and makes me feel so accomplished afterwards!  I'm sure Brandon will be thrilled, but honestly, he is a better "deep cleaner" than I am.  I usually get so overwhelmed by the amount of cleaning that needs to be done, that I just end up half-assing everything until it's about four o'clock and time for a wine break :)

Simplifying things not only includes de-cluttering not only my home (and my car--yikes!), but also my mind.  Back in the day, I realized one of my priorities and values was being aware and present in the moment.  I have a tendency to over-analyze EVERYTHING--props to my husband for putting up with this--and lately I cannot seem to quiet my mind.  I am starting to think that "baby brain" really does exist;  if I'm not thinking about the twenty three things I forgot to take care of at work, I am thinking about chores that need to be done at home, how to be a better mother, how to squeeze in some hubby time, the seven emails and five texts I haven't replied to, oh the list goes on.    So to really get the ball rolling on simplifying my life, I am going to revisit my old standby, my wise friend, Yoga.  This is one of the best things I can do for myself; I can totally submerse myself in the breath, the pose, the moment and something amazing happens.  My mind goes quiet.  Maybe just for a few seconds, but I  love those moments of peace and clarity, where you are aware of nothing but the inhale and exhale of your breath. Those are few and far between these days, so when I find a few moments of quiet, it is worth every second.  I look forward to picking my yoga routine back up, even if it is only a home practice until I find a class that fits my needs.  Along with yoga comes the benefits of deep breathing, and now, you are probably thinking--oh geez, another "crunchy" granola mom, but this stuff has really helped me in the past.  Another outlet to simplify my mind is my journal.  I have been journaling for years, and it is a great way to release all those thoughts.  Get them out and move on.  Feels good.

Cleanse: I have been itching to do a cleanse for several months, but since I am still nursing, I am going to incorporate a few safe, but still beneficial practices.  I took a few ideas from Mama and Baby Love, my new favorite blog.  Have you ever heard of oil pulling?  Well, I hadn't either, but I gave it a try this morning.  Basically, the oil is suppose to pull the toxins out of your body, as you swish, chew and gargle it in your mouth for 10-20 minutes.  I tried it this morning, with cold-pressed olive oil, and only lasted about 10 minutes, while I was in the shower.  I got my "directions" from this blog,
I am also cleaning up my diet.  Good-bye chocolate chip cookies and soda, hello herbal tea and broccoli!  I really do love the taste of real food, fruit and veggies, but I get sidetracked pretty easily.  Since I have been making Owen's food for the last month or so, it has been easier to eat more vegetables and fruits.  I really, seriously, absolutely need to make this a priority, since I am still breastfeeding.  I have enlisted the help of my number one supporter, Brandon, to keep me on track.  I know he can't wait :)
Clean eating is something I have dabbled in over the years, but never made a priority.  Basically, eliminating as many processed foods as possible and upping the intake of whole grains, fruits and veggies.  I am also going to go dairy and meat free (for at least a week--I know Brandon won't last more than a day or two!) and supplement with Standard Process nutritional shake & vitamins.  You can only buy Standard Process from liscensed healthcare professionals, and I will never stop using their products.  I buy mine from my chiropractor, Dr. Hawkins, at Emporia Chiropractic Center, and truly believe they have a significant impact on my immune system and overall health.  This cleanse also means no caffeine for a week or two, which just sucks.  I have the pounding headache to prove it, but I'm gonna make it! 

I also need help cleansing my thoughts.  Lately I have been feeling a lot of anger and negative energy for no apparent reason.  Everything in my life totally kicks ass these days, and I feel beyond blessed, and I need to pass it on.  Not sure why my mind continues to focus on the negative, un-important things that happen day to day.  I have a 39 day challenge book that is collecting dust on a bookshelf.  It gives you various tasks to help you enjoy life and realize what is important. The very first challenge is not passing judgements or thinking negative thoughts about others for 39 days.  I tried that and only lasted two.  Better luck this time around!!

I also need to realize that doing a few things by myself is OK, like taking Meeka for a walk/run, reading a book, etc.  I guess since I am away from baby and Brandon during the day, I don't want to miss any second with them after the work day ends.  BUT if I am not feeling good about myself, then I know I am not being the best mommy/wifey I can be.  So that pedicure I had on Friday---thanks, hubs! It is nice to treat yourself every once in a while.  I am looking forward to simple ways to enjoy each day, that aren't necessarily money or time consuming.  I also think one of the best ways to truly enjoy life is by being kind and "paying it forward" to others.

Whew!  This was a little long-winded.  See what I mean about my mind in overdrive with thoughts...feels better to get it all out.  I also figure if I make a public "announcement", then I have more accountability as far as actually sticking to this stuff.  I look forward to bringing back some of my "old ways," and incorporatin gnew ways to bring simplicity, cleansing and enjoyment to my life.  Do you do anything to celebrate Spring and renewal?  I'd love to hear!


  1. So exciting, Jessica! I think Taylah was about the same age as Owen is when I finally had my first clear thoughts after becoming a mom! We get so sucked into this other tiny human's needs and forget about our own. I'm still a novice, but let me know if you need any help with clean eating. And I'm interested in the 39 day challenge book...

  2. Thanks, Katie! It's always nice to hear when other moms have experienced/are going through the same thing! I finally found the book, hiding under a stack of stuff...."Life is a Verb," pretty sure I ordered it from Amazon. There is a lot of writing involved, which is probably why I didn't get very far. I have to be in the mood to write, but it really is an awesome book.
