Friday, September 21, 2012

Mama Musings

Here are a few tidbits of reality and advice I have picked up over the last year...

• Once your little one is old enough to crawl/walk, you can kiss every last bit of privacy or personal space goodbye.
~This especially applies to the bathroom setting. Get your business done quick, or get used to having an audience. Also expect to have the shower curtain ripped down when you are relishing those 5 minutes of steamy, showery peace & quiet.

• The word "quiet" also takes on a new meaning...unless they are asleep or eating, if it suddenly gets quiet, it probably means the little bambino is up to no good.
~In our house that eerie silence means O-dawg is either eating dog food, scattering every last diaper and wipe across the house, or climbing onto the dining room table. Ayiyi!

• Owen has finally become an excellent sleeper. If you've gone through months and months...and months of waking up multiple times, you know just how amazing it is to turn that corner. Being a parent turns sleep into a necessity AND luxury. Sleeping in until 11am, afternoon naps when I please and 2am bedtimes by choice...I should have never taken those things for granted!

• Now getting da babe to sleep can sometimes be a different story...for mama, at least. A little rocking & back patting by Grammy, Nana, or Daddy usually does the trick, but when Mama's on bedtime duty, there's only one thing on little mister's mind..and it starts and ends with the letter B.
~Now this secret weapon has come in handy, and seems to be the magical cure-all, but now I'm wondering if tits been a bit overused? Lol! Just saw my fitting!

•I think "mommy" is also a synonym for worry-wart, let's- think-of-every-possible-disastrous-outcome, I-want-to-put-my-child-in-a-safety-bubble, over thinker. It's really ridiculous how a simple trip to the park can unleash an overreaction of concerns & worries in my mind. I mean, he's not going to fall off the side of the slide when I have a death grip around his waist, and that creepy old man at the picnic table is not a child molester, he's actually waiting for his wife & granddaughter to finish their bike ride ( ya...felt pretty shitty about that one!)
~Thing is, I'm not alone in this maniacal way of thinking, which does make me feel a bit less crazy! Being a new mom is overwhelming, and a big guessing game most of the time, but why can't we just relax & go with the flow? I'm a work in progress on this one, and when my kid's climbing on the dining room table I probably do seem pretty relaxed!

• Growing your family from two to three obviously means a few sacrifices...especially when it comes to social time/mommy & daddy time/girl time/adult get the picture. What once was girls' night out, with fruity cocktails & juicy gossip now equals a play date at the library or zoo with sippy cups and animal crackers.
~Funny thing though...while I sometimes miss the freedoms of the B.B. era (before baby), I love the new experiences I share with my boy, & seeing the world, brand-new, through his eyes reminds me of the everyday joys & wonders of life. Now don't get me wrong, I definitely think every mama deserves a date night & girls' get together (in fact I'm itching for Saturday night to roll around--Mama's hitting the town!), but I've realized building block towers and playing tickle monster is way more fulfilling. I love that! Who knew?!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

It has begun...

Today is a very important day in the Hopkins household. 

It's the first day of football season. 

More importantly, it's the Chief's home opener---a game that absolutely, without a doubt cannot be missed.  This day means cheesy rotel dip, hot wings, bud light, and a few choice words for the ref and opposing team :)  However, it's 3rd quarter, and I've only heard a handful of "S.O.B's", mother-beepers and the like, echoing up from the man cave.  For the next few months, we can only schedule family activities between 8-11:45 am and anytime after 3:30pm on Sundays.  We are required to rep red & gold, and it is essential keep an infinite stock of beer and snacks on hand.  The Monday Night Football song must be memorized and sung with gusto, week after week, and superstitious rituals and traditions must be observed and respected.  More importantly, when we suffer a loss (and it's the Chiefs, so we are bound to encounter one or two of those), my duties include consoling and cheering up a die-hard fan with wounded pride.  So let's just toast those aluminum cans to a winning season in KC :)  Cheers!

My Big Chief & Little Chief Fan In Training

Friday, September 7, 2012

Feels like the first time

Happy Friday!  It's raining outside, I'm snuggled up under the covers, the boys are napping & life is good!

The last few weeks have held a lot of "firsts" for our little family.  We celebrated Owen's 1st Birthday!  We partied down with our wonderful family and friends and had a great time!  He loved his cake, I loved the homemade sangria, and we were so happy to share such a fun day with all the great people in our lives.  You know the saying..."enjoy it, because the time flies by...", and it certainly does.  During the last 12 months, this little baby has turned into a little boy.  He is full of laughter, love, curiosity and affection.  Daddy can get the best giggles out of him, and he's a sucker for snuggles with Mom.  Definitely a ladies' man, he can turn on the charm and also be quite the ham.  He has Grandma wrapped around his finger, and brings so much fun and laughter to family gatherings.  We remind ourselves how blessed we are--every single day. 

We also had the pleasurable experience of dealing with our first sick little boy.  He caught the 24 hr stomach bug.  It was not pretty.  Puke in the crib, puke on the blankets, puke on the couch, puke on his clothes.  2am puke also means sacrificing a towel or two to the trash & hoping it's not going to be a repeat performance (luckily, it wasn't!).  One entire year without more than a sniffle is pretty darn lucky, so we were bound to catch something eventually.  It was a pretty sad sight, and those big blue eyes sure pull on your heartstrings when your arsenal of mommy cuddles, kisses, milk and silly songs just don't do the trick.  Luckily he was a trooper & we are on the mend, going full steam ahead!  Here's hoping there's another full year before we have to deal with that again. 

Another fancy first--Owen FINALLY said "Mama!"  We've only been working on that for the last 12 months!  I couldn't believe my ears, and then the waterworks started.  Geesh, I'm such a softie these days.  He's also saying "juice" which means sippy cup, "dog"--of course that would not be decipherable to the average ear, "dada" was a first, and has been practicing a few signs.

                          Happy Birthday to the love of our lives!

Talia & Jace came to celebrate!

Grammy, Mama & Auntie Hannah ready to partaaay :)   

There it is...the good, the bad, the ugly.  We take it all!